Contact Us
Hi-School Pharmacy is dedicated to high-quality, courteous service given to customers by the Hi-School Pharmacy and ACE Hardware teams.
There is great pride in what the names “Hi-School Pharmacy” and “ACE Hardware” stand for in communities throughout the Northwest. It represents caring people, quality merchandise at competitive prices, and, above all, customer satisfaction.
Please share your Hi-School Pharmacy/ACE Hardware experience with us; we would love to hear from you!
*If you include confidential and Protected Health Information (PHI) on this form, you are acknowledging that you understand that transmitting PHI with this form is risky as the communication of this information is not encrypted. Please do not use this form to leave specific pharmacy requests. The most secure way to communicate PHI is to call your preferred Hi-School Pharmacy to speak with pharmacy staff or leave a message on the pharmacy’s secure voicemail. *

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