
We are proud to announce our Minnehaha Hi-School Pharmacy and Hardware store was declared the Member of the Week by the Greater Vancouver Chamber or Commerce.

“When you visit the new concept store on NE 52nd Street between St. James and St. Johns Road, you’ll see the newest innovations in store design. The gondola’s are lower, you can see from one aisle to the next, the stores feel much lighter, more open and inviting to customers. From the flooring to the flow of displays, the new design invites you to wander the aisles and check out all the unique products.

You’ll find everything you would expect from your neighborhood store, plus much more. The new store still has a hardware store, and Garden Center attached, they are now working with local contractors to open accounts and make supplying local business easier than ever. They also offer knife sharpening, key cutting, and screen repair. Stop in and say hi, the friendly staff will answer any questions that may arise.”